Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Virgen of Mercy // La Virgen de las Mercedes // Obatala

September 24th is the Feast Day of the Virgen of Mercy, in Cuba (La Virgen de las Mercedes). She is known in the Santeria Faith as Obatala.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

"Voodoo in New Orleans" by Robert Tallant

This book is about what people perceived the Voodoo Religion in New Orleans, Louisiana, to be like. It is a bit "sensational" but is an excellent example of the common "popular perception" of the Voodoo Faith, in 1946. If you are interested in the Voodoo Religion or just New Orleans and Louisiana History, buy this book. You will enjoy it.


Robert Tallant (born 1909, died 1957) was a writer in Louisiana and wrote what are considered "Classics" on the people and cultures of New Orleans, in the 1930's and 1940's. He is considered one the states most well known authors. He also taught English at Newcomb College, in New Orleans.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

La Charada China-Cubana, Numbers and Meanings.

La Charada China-Cubana, Numbers and Meanings.
The "Charada China Cubana" is a traditional "dream interpretation" number system used in Pre-Castro Cuba. If you had a dream with a specific thing, you would play the number in the Lottery, in whatever combination you think it will come out in (example > if you had a dream with a Horse and a Rooster, you would play 111 or a religious woman and money, you would play 521).  Here is a complete list of "La Charada China Cubana" Numbers and their Meanings, as used in Pre-Castro Cuba and in the Cuban Exile Communities around the world.

1 - Horse
2 - Butterfly or Money
3 - Sailor or Small child
4 - Cat or Tooth or Saint Barbara
5 - Nun or Sea
6 - Turtle
7 - Snail
8 - Dead Man or Virgen of Charity (Virgen de la Caridad)
9 - Elephant or Tongue
10 - Big Fish
11 - Rooster
12 - Prostitute or Whore
13 - Peacock
14 - Cemetery or Tiger
15 - Dog or Pretty girl
16 - Bull
17 - St. Lazarus or the Moon
18 - Small Fish
19 - Worm or Flag
20 - Pure Breed Cat
21 - Snake or Money
22 - Toad
23 - Steam
24 - Dove or St. Christopher
25 -  Gem or New House
26 - Eel or Young Doctor
27 - Wasp
28 - Goat
29 - Mouse
30 - Shrimp
31 - Deer
32 - Hog
33 - Buzzard or Jesus Christ
34 - Monkey
35 - Spider
36 - Pipe
37 - Witch, Black Hen, or Financially Broke
38 - Macaw or Money
39 - Rabbit
40 - Priest or Blood
41 - Lizard
42 - Duck or a Distant Place or Country
43 - Scorpion
44 - Year of the Crow or a Crow
45 - Shark or President
46 - Bus or Smoke
47 - Bird
48 - Roach
49 - Drunk or Alcoholic
50 - Police Officer or Law Enforcement Officer
51 - Soldier
52 - Bicycle
53 - Electric Light
54 - Flowers
55 - Crab or Bat
56 - Meringue or Queen
57 - Bed or Telegram / Electronic Communication or Mail
58 - Photo or Knife
59 - Crazy Man or Crazy
60 - Clown
61 - Big Horse
62 - Married Couple
63 - Assassin
64 - Large Dead Man or Dead Man
65 - Food
66 - Animal Horn
67 -Stab Wound
68 - Cemetery
69 - Wall
70 - Coconut
71 - River
72 - Ox
73 - Suitcase
74 - Kite
75 - Tie
76 - Dancer
77 - Italian Flag or Flag
78 - Coffin
79 - Cargo Train
80 - Old Doctor
81 - Theater
82 - Mother
83 - Tragedy
84 - Blood or Banker
85 - Mirror or Watch
86 - Scissors
87 - Banana
88 - Glasses
89 - Alot of Water
90 - Old Man
91 - Sandal or Communist
92 - Large Pig or Airplane
93 - Ring
94 - Machete or Havana
95 - War
96 - Shoe or Old Prostitute / Whore
97 - Mosquito
98 - Piano
99 - Saw
100 - Toilet

Monday, September 8, 2014

The Virgen of Charity // La Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre // Ochun

Today September 8th is the Feast Day of Our Lady of Charity, Patron Saint of Cuba. She is known in the Santeria religion as Ochun.

This booklet is about Ochun, you can click here and see it >  http://astore.amazon.com/tarotcardboutique-20/detail/0942272692

Hoy 8 de Septiembre es la Fiesta de La Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre, Patrona de Cuba. Ella es llamada Ochun en la Santeria.

Este librito es sobre Ochun, haga clic para verlo > http://astore.amazon.com/tarotcardboutique-20/detail/0942272692

Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Virgen of Reglas // La Virgen de Reglas // Yemaya

Today September 7th is the Feast Day of The Virgen of Reglas. She is known in the Santeria religion as Yemaya.

There is a booklet written about her which I highly recommend, you can click here and see it > http://astore.amazon.com/tarotcardboutique-20/detail/0942272862

Hoy el 7 de Septiembre es la Fiesta de La Virgen de Reglas. Ella es conocida en la Santeria como Yemaya.

Hay un librito escrito sobre ella, puede verlo aqui >

Friday, September 5, 2014

Buy a Rider-Waite Tarot Card deck // Compre las Barajas Tarot Rider-Waite

My favorite Tarot Card deck is the Rider-Waite. The cards are beautiful and you will love this deck. If you have wanted to buy a deck I would suggest you buy a Rider-Waite deck.

You can visit my Amazon Store and buy a deck by clicking > http://astore.amazon.com/tarotcardboutique-20

Mis favoritas Barajas de Tarot son de la marca Rider-Waite. Las Barajas son bellas y te van a gustar mucho. Si haz querido comprar Barajas de Tarot compre la marca Rider-Waite.

Visite mi Tienda Amazon, y compre las Barajas, haz clic aqui >

Welcome to the Tarot Card Boutique // Bienvenidos a la Tienda de Barajas Tarot

Welcome to the Tarot Card Boutique. I will be Blogging about Psychics, Tarot Cards, Santeria, Voodoo, the Supernatural, Colonial French and Spanish History in the United States and Cryptozoology. You can visit my Amazon Astore by visiting this link > http://astore.amazon.com/tarotcardboutique-20

Bienvenidos a la Tienda de Barajas Tarot. Voy estar escribiendo sobre Psiquicos, Barajas Tarot, Santeria, Vudu, lo Sobrenatural, Historia Colonial Francesa y Espanola en los Estados Unidos y Cryptozoologia. Puede visitar mi tienda Amazon hacienda clic aqui >